Time Management
Contrary to popular belief, time is not money. It is more valuable than money. You can't earn, create or steal more time than you have. Time is probably the most valuable asset available to people and organizations. Understanding how to manage one's time can contribute greatly to the success of our personal and professional lives. Like with any other asset, it may be wasted if it's not valued.
Organized By Terri works with individuals or groups to help them create success with their most valuable asset~their LIFE.
This Comprehensive Workshop includes:
- We will take you through 'Valuable Methods' for Home and Work Agendas
- Time Map your schedule comparing fexible and non-flexible hours
- Create a Mental work list for your 'life'
- Quarterly Action and Priority Evaluation
- Coaching follow up session by phone
What good Time Management will do for you?
- It will provide you with one source to handle the details of our daily life--including appointments, lists,'to do's' and notes.
- It will accommodate both regular work and maintenance work.
- It will accommodate both work and home life
- It will be flexible.
- It will help you prioritize.
- It will help you get a realistic perspective.
What WON'T a good time management do for you?
- It won't tell you what you should be doing with your time.
- It won't put an end to your procrastination.
If you need help getting the schedule and processes of YOUR Life ORGANIZED: